The following activity can be used to introduce or review
examples of science concepts in categories, such as vertebrates and
invertebrates. A document camera, visualiser or digital Presenter allows all
students to actively participate.
1. Label the piece of paper with the category names, i.e.
vertebrate and invertebrate.
2. Write the names of different vertebrate and
invertebrate animals on each of the small cards (works best if there are enough
examples for every member of the class).
3. Project the image of the diagram using the document
camera, visualiser or digital presenter.
4. Pass out a small card with the name of an animal
written on it to each student.
5. Direct students to decide whether the animal on each
card is a vertebrate or invertebrate, and place the card in the appropriate
6. Discuss as a class, making corrections to student
classifications as necessary.
7. As a review activity on a separate occasion, mix the
cards and pass out to different students, repeat activity as listed above.
8. Create a few new cards with animal names that have not
been previously reviewed as a class. Project the image of the cards using a
document camera, visualiser or digital presenter. Assign students to categorize
the animals for homework. To review homework the following day as a class, pass
out the cards assigned as homework. Allow students to place each card in the
appropriate category using the Document camera, visualiser or digital presenter.