Evaluation requires a high level of cognitive processing.
The following activity can be used to teach a specific grammar skill, as a
review activity, or to reinforce the value of proofreading.
1. Create a list of sentences that have strategically placed
mistakes related to an instructional topic, i.e. spelling, punctuation, subject
verb agreement, informal word choice, run on sentences, or other target forms.
Decide how many mistakes to put in each sentence based on the students level.
Write or type the sentences in a large, clear font.
2. Begin by teaching / reviewing a specific skill, such as
how to punctuate direct and indirect quotations. Create sample sentences that
contain mistakes with the target skill.
3. Using the Document camera, visualiser or digital presenter,
project the sentences onto a white board or a large piece of paper that
students can write on.
4. Have students copy the sentences on their papers and
work independently or collectively to make corrections.
5. Choose several students to come to the board/paper
with the projected sentences. Have
students cross out mistakes and write their corrections directly over the image
of the projected sentences.
6. Review student corrections as a class. Discuss target
points as necessary, and have all students make proper corrections on their
7. Allow students to work independently on other
sentences containing the target skill.
8. Assign homework related to target skill.
9. Assess students on target skill.