Videos on Samsung SDP-860 SAM-CAM Document Camera / Visualiser / Presenter SDP860
Exclusive Overview of the Samsung SDP-860 SAM-CAM document camera visualiser
Exclusive overview video on the SAM-CAM (SDP-860) document camera visualiser from Samsung. This video was produced by Document Camera Experts on site at Samsung;s booth at InfoComm. The video features Richard Bellomy, Vice President of Sales NA at Samsung. Richard shows some of the key features of the Samsung visualiser including micro and macro capabilities, light adjustment, frame-rates and video conferencing using the SAM-CAM 860 document camera visualiser.
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Introduction to the Samsung SDP-860 SAM-CAM Document Camera / Visualiser
Introduction to the popular Samsung SDP-860 "SAM-CAM" document camera visualiser. This video was produced by Samsung.
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Getting Started with your new SAM CAM SDP-860 document camera visualiser
Getting started tips video for your new Samsung SDP-860 document camera visualiser. This video was produced by Samsung
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How to operate the SAM CAM 860 SDP-860 document camera visualiser from Samsung
This video produced by Samsung quickly shows you how to operate your document camera and demonstrates the electronics and more advanced features the SAM-CAM 860 document camera visualiser has to offer.
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How to record videos with the Samsung SAM-CAM 860 SDP-860 document camera visualiser
This video produced by Samsung shows you how to record video and take images with the SAM-CAM 860 (SDP-860) document camera visualiser.
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Application ideas and Classroom ideas using the SAM-CAM 860 (SDP-860) document camera visualiser
This video from Samsung shows some popular application and classroom ideas of how you could use the SAM-CAM 860 document camera visualiser. Make the most of your document camera visualiser!
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