Increase student awareness of food ingredients and
percentages of nutritional components such as vitamins, minerals,
carbohydrates, protein, fat, sodium, and fiber by using a document camera,
visualiser or digital presenter to project the images of actual food wrappers. This
activity can be an eye-opening experience for everyone!
1. Assign students to bring in an item of food, or only
the wrapper, that contains the nutrition and ingredient label.
2. Using the document camera, visualiser or digital
presenter, project the ingredients and nutritional label of the food items or
wrappers that students have brought in.
3. As a class, discuss the components of each food item
displayed, calling attention to certain target concepts.
4. Project several wrappers with nutritional information
that have not already been discussed as a class. Have students discuss
collaboratively which food is the healthiest based on the information given or
have students write a paragraph critically analyzing the healthiness of the
items displayed.